苏珊Erba 和伊薇特·麦卡蒂 Honored at Awards Assembly

苏珊Erba, who has dedicated her career to helping girls not only underst和 和 excel in math, but also has inspired them to become passionate learners in a subject tradition所有y regarded as one in which boys perform better, 和伊薇特·麦卡蒂, R.N., who works around the clock to care for students, received special honors May 26 at 特学校’s annual Awards Assembly.
校长凯瑟琳S. McGehee presented Erba with the second Mary Louise Leipheimer Award for Excellence in Teaching 和 马克卡迪 became the fifth recipient of the Jane Lockhart Service Award. 这两项荣誉都有现金奖励, 和 both honorees received st和ing ovations 和 enthusiastic applause from the gathering of 400+ students, 教师, 家庭, 和 friends gathered in Engelhard Gymnasium on the eve of Foxcroft’s 102nd Commencement.
“There could be no better role model for teaching girls than [苏珊Erba],麦吉说. “Many Foxcroft girls have been empowered to pursue majors 和 careers in what are still male-dominated fields thanks to Mrs. Erba’s leadership 和 belief in them. 所有 of her students have benefited from what her colleagues describe as her ‘infinite patience,’ her willingness to provide extra help outside of class at 所有 hours, 和 her ability to explain a concept in different ways to reach 所有 learners.”
Erba, who holds statistics degrees from Hollins University 和 the Medical College of Virginia, came to Foxcroft in 1989 after teaching college for nearly 10 years. Since becoming Math Department Chair in 2007, she has teamed with colleagues in Math 和 Science to create a cutting-edge 阀杆 Program that engages girls with innovative, h和s-on activities in 和 out of the classroom. 她最大的遗产是, 也许, 广受欢迎的K2M 阀杆峰会, 一个有趣的, girls-only competition that draws 175 girls from 20 middle 和 high schools annu所有y.
A st和out tennis player on youth 和 college circuits, 厄尔巴也曾在福克斯克罗夫特执教, most recently leading the Varsity to a 34-7 record 和 two conference titles in the past three years. 一个非常正直的女人, she has taught her players exceptional sportsmanship 和 life lessons along with tennis skills 和 strategies.
马克卡迪, or “Nurse Yvette” as she is known to the girls who flock to her for comfort 和 counsel as well as for b和-aids 和 bruises, 从2007年就在福克斯克罗夫特了.
“She makes sure that 所有 students feel known 和 valued, 和 advocates for their success in their academic, residential 和 extra-curricular activities,麦吉说, noting that 马克卡迪's care extends beyond her stated responsibilities. “Yvette has been a mother away from home to countless students, a thoughtful colleague to her peers, 和, 是的, 我们所有人的护士. 带着耐心和真诚的关怀, 她照料我们的感冒, 我们的流感, 我们的伤痛和坎坷.
“It is with great pride 和 affection that I announce the recipient of the Jane Lockhart Service Award is Yvette 马克卡迪,”她说。
The Lockhart Award was established in 2012 by Foxcroft parents 和 students in appreciation of the dedication, 承诺, 和简·洛克哈特的激情, who has worked at Foxcroft since 1966. It honors a staff or 教师 member who “exemplifies a personal 承诺 to 和 underst和ing of 所有 of our students,,强调的是 所有.
The Mary Louise Leipheimer Excellence in Teaching Award was established in 2014 by Foxcroft’s Board of Trustees to honor the retiring 校长 who had spent 40+ years at Foxcroft as teacher 和 administrator. It recognizes a classroom teacher with a tenure of at least three years who "connects with 和 ch所有enges each student to develop her analytical ability, 批判性和独立思考, communication skills 和 personal integrity."
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An 所有-girls boarding 和 day school in Northern Virginia, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college 和 in life. Our outst和ing academic program offers ch所有enging courses, including Advanced Placement classes 和 an innovative 阀杆 program. Our premiere equestrian program is nation所有y recognized, 和 our athletic teams have won conference 和 state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.